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ACI reveals best airports in Asia-Pacific and Middle East

A total of 31 airports – 27 airports from Asia-Pacific and four from the Middle East- have been recognised with Airports Council International’s (ACI) Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards, which are based on most reliable global measurement and benchmarking programme for airport customer experience

The ASQ Programme, developed in partnership with leading travel technology company, Amadeus, is the preeminent airport customer experience measurement and benchmarking programme globally.

Stefano Baronci, Director General, ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East, said: “From the East to the West, airports in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, China, India, Oman, UAE and Jordan have excelled to provide a best-in-class service to their customers.

“Although the Asia-Pacific region has been the hardest hit by the pandemic, airports in the region have invested significantly in technology, human resources, and infrastructure to ensure that passengers continue to have a memorable and seamless experience.”

In addition, five airports from Asia-Pacific and the Middle East have been recognised with the ACI World Director General’s Roll of Excellence. This honour is conferred on airports that have won multiple Awards over a five-year period in the last 10 years as part of the ASQ programme.

The ACI ASQ programme is the world’s leading airport customer experience measurement and benchmarking programme. The surveys cover over 30 performance indicators across key elements of the passenger’s airport experience, such as ease of navigation, check-in procedures, shopping and dining offerings.

First published by FINN:

Mar 11, 2024 – 9:35 am