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Schiphol and Cargonaut start using updated IT cargo platform

Schiphol and cargo information platform Cargonaut have been collaborating over the past few years to upgrade the Port Community System (PCS).
The PCS is the central platform for information and data exchange between cargo players at Schiphol and authorities such as Customs.

The modernisation process data faster, is fully compliant with IATA standards, is more user-friendly, and more secure.

The information and data within the PCS ensure that all parties know precisely what the latest status is of cargo. This helps improve the predictability of the flow of goods at the airport, which is essential for the smooth handling of cargo.

One of the components that Schiphol and Cargonaut have upgraded is the way messages are processed within the PCS. This is an essential part of the whole process and ensures that, for instance, export companies can reclaim VAT and Customs can monitor the goods being imported and exported via the airport.

Joost van Doesburg, Head of Cargo at Schiphol, said: “By upgrading specific parts of the PCS, the system is more robust and future-proof. This means we can continue to safely ensure the smooth import and export of a large amount of cargo.”

Marco van Katwijk, Head of Cargonaut, said: “The PCS is vital for the processing of information within the cargo process. The upgraded system facilitates the use of new technologies, including API Connections (software), XML (data migration) and the OneRecord data model.

“This model allows air cargo partners within this digital ecosystem to exchange data easily and transparently. Because we are implementing updates while operations continue, we have chosen to transfer data gradually. We are currently carrying out a migration of the first clients to the updated PCS.”

First published by FINN:

Feb 14, 2024 – 9:46 am