Distributor Membership

Trusted command and control platform through which to distribute and manage Enterprise digital services, Apps and data across your global user and partner community

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Easily distribute and manage access to your customer facing digital services (Apps, data APIs and solutions) across your global customer, partner base and wider stakeholder community.

Simplification – take away the technical and commercial complexity of deploying and managing a long and expanding list of digital content across a fragmented global customer and partner base.

As an additional option to your base Enterprise membership, Distributor Membership provides a single consolidated and scalable platform through which to distribute, authenticate, manage and update digital content across your user community. For OEMs managing a fragmented, complex portfolio of digital services, across an equally fragmented global customer and user base.

  • External Distributor Membership – Offers the benefit of a single, command and control platform for efficient and effective deployment, authentication and service management. Whether it be 5 apps across 5 user groups, or 100 across 100, Yocova provides the centralised management of your digital services.
  • Internal Distributor Membership – Addresses the same challenges for large enterprises seeking to consolidate and gain efficiency in the effective deployment and management of digital content across their internal estate.
  • Premium Distributor– Builds on this capability, offering a branded portal within Yocova through which to serve up your digital services and providing a dedicated customer feed/ communication hub with notification API facility. The portal can be set as the landing page for your user community within Yocova, and provides the benefit of supporting SSO enabled applications.  Your branded home within Yocova for effective, efficient user community management and engagement.

Yocova Distributor Membership

Advance your digital transformation

  • One single place to deploy and manage content

    A specialist channel through which to share and manage digital content, globally. Easily extend your reach to customers and partners

  • Meet, network and collaborate with fellow professionals

    Get your voice heard in Yocova. Raise awareness of your brand and who you are. Grow your profile, network, collaborate and connect

  • Branded Customer and Communications Hub

    A dedicated portal on Yocova for your internal and external communities to easily engage and access your content

Distributor Membership

Pick your Yocova

Internal Distributor

$ Contact Membership Team

  • Enterprise digital content management
  • Internally developed content for internal distribution
  • Single trusted platform through which to distribute and manage Enterprise digital Apps, data and solutions within your enterprise

External Distributor

$ Contact Membership Team

  • Enterprise digital content management
  • Digital Services for external distribution (customer/partner community)
  • Single trusted platform through which to distribute and manage Enterprise digital Apps, data and solutions across your global customer community and/or supply chain partners

Premium Distributor

$ Contact Membership Team

  • Branded Customer and Communications Hub
  • Dedicated portal on Yocova for your internal and external communities to easily engage and access your content
  • Notification API facility
  • Provides a dedicated landing page for your user community
  • Supports SSO enabled applications

What our Yocova members,
partners and contributors have to say

  • Shane Ballman

    CEO SynapseMX

    “Not only does Yocova enable collaboration to solve industry problems with people you might never otherwise meet, the marketplace also lets you easily see new industry-specific solutions you can use to make your work life easier. Brilliant!”

  • Julie Seah

    Manager Safety, Security &
    Environment Development, Singapore Airlines

    “To be forward looking, we need to proactively identify emerging trends and look at how we can leverage on technology to improve safety for continuous improvement. Yocova provides a secure and easy to use tool for hazard data sharing which will allow for a more predictive approach to safety.”

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