Signol’s Alignment with IFALPA’s Position on Pilot Self-Assessment Systems

Our series of Marketplace Spotlight articles focus on the partners making the Yocova platform come alive and the digital aviation solutions they provide. Here we hear from Signol, a software provider that has created an App and messaging system specifically for pilots. It has been developed in close association with pilots, with a well-established and very active Advisory Board of experienced captains who help ensure Signol’s services continue to be relevant, valuable, and easy-to-use.

At Signol, we essentially offer pilots a ‘Fitbit For Work’ – a medium through which they can dive into their own specific flight performance data, explore positive social and environmental impacts, and provide meaningful feedback to inform future operational decision-making.

‍Consequently, we are fully aligned with the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Association (IFALPA) requirements for self-assessment software tools and our products are based on established behavioural science best practices. For instance, we too share the IFALPA’s concerns about (and have designed the App to completely avoid) “…comparisons between pilots and/or the establishment of a ‘ranking system’ that would evaluate pilots based on fuel use”, given that such practices can be dangerously demotivating and could backfire. As a result, Signol is fundamentally a personalised experience for each pilot, rather than a competition or ranking system among a group of pilots.

The IFALPA has a very specific set of operational requirements, and this is how to meet them:

1) “The airline should have a fully established Flight Data Analysis Programme (FDAP)”

The principles for flight data management, specifically creating a non-punitive culture, are integral to how Signol works as a product and as a company. When engaging airlines, we insist that an FDAP is in place and working before we begin any collaboration.

2) “Such software/tools should not be advertised by the airline as a ‘safety enhancement’. Safety is based on standardisation and average data, not on individual data sent to individual pilots”

We are completely transparent with our airline customers – Signol is not a safety enhancement tool.

In all of our communications (and on every screen within our App) we remind pilots that they always have complete discretion and authority over their decisions      and that safety remains the number one priority. The Signol App is very much a retrospective tool that closes the loop on how operational decisions affect efficiency – pilots absolutely remain in charge of the process, and follow airline protocols and procedures at all times.

“I’m more convinced by the concept than ever, it’s a really interesting way to do it.”Head of Safety & Captain

3) “Data used in the program should be included in the provisions of the FDAP Agreement between the airline and the Pilot Association.

The self-assessment tool should permit each individual pilot to delete all self-assessment data presented to that pilot to assess their own performance, once review by that pilot is completed. After a reasonable period for review by the pilot expires, the data that was captured for self-assessment purposes only should be automatically deleted from the FDAP system unless it would have normally been retained within the FDAP for purposes other than pilot self-assessment

Signol’s agreements with airlines strictly follow local union and company data protocols. Our communication of data enables pilots to use their own best judgement to make the safest and most pragmatic decisions when they next face an opportunity to go an extra mile to help the environment and their airline.

The data collected by Signol includes feedback from pilots as well as captured flight data. Signol stores data for a period of 12 months to allow pilots to review trends in their performance. All data is automatically deleted after that 12 month period.

4) “Data related to a specific flight should only be accessed and dispatched if: prior consent of the pilots concerned has been obtained; or a specific request of the pilot(s) concerned has been received

Signol only presents pilots with their own data. Managers only have access to pooled, fully anonymised data through the Signol dashboard – even pilot feedback is anonymised to ensure that individual pilots cannot be identified retrospectively via Signol.

5) “Data should never be used to assess pilot competency or training requirements”

Signol does not provide assessments of pilot competency, nor instructions for training to either pilots or management.

“We use statistical fuel, and people… don’t like being told what to do, they don’t want people to beat them up, so nudging people is the only answer.” – Captain

6) “Data should never be used for disciplinary measures

Signol does not present any individual pilot’s data to management. Moreover, the Signol system relies upon positive reinforcement – recognising      pilots’ hard work and efforts, rather than admonishing any pilot’s actions or decisions.

“This is just fantastic, I like seeing the savings and the donations… and how much fuel I’ve actually saved.”First Officer

7) “There should be a strict procedure for data collection, validation, ownership, and storage

Signol adheres to GDPR principles globally, and will continue to do so regardless of the UK’s position in relation to the EU.

8) “Other than the pilots concerned, access to the data should be restricted to the parties authorized under the provisions of the FDAP

Access to Signol data is tightly controlled behind multiple levels of security, and held remotely from the airline. Although it is ultimately the airline’s decision as to who can view the manager level information (i.e. anonymised, pooled data), we strongly encourage airlines to limit this group.

9) “Pilots should have received suitable training and/or education material on the use and limitations of the system

Signol has an easy, transparent onboarding experience for pilots. This process has been tested for clarity and comprehension, and pilots can easily revisit this material within the App at any time.

In conclusion, Signol fully stands with the IFALPA’s position on pilot self-assessment software tools, and welcomes further input, feedback or advice from any/all Pilots’ Associations and Unions.

Get in touch with Signol on Yocova – we would love to hear your thoughts!

About Signol
Signol is a software platform that draws on insights from behavioural economics to encourage employees to make more efficient decisions. Signol provides personalized feedback through multiple communication channels, as well as data analysis for managers. In aviation, Signol aims to use behavioural nudges and incentives to reduce both pollution and fuel waste – and ultimately minimise operating costs.

Article co-written by Jay Ramsay and Dr Divya Sukumar.
Published 9th June 2022


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