Data Rooms

Exchange data with control, privacy and security to solve business and industry challenges

  • Private and controllable

    List data APIs in a private cloud, giving you control of who accesses your data, how often and how much

  • Secure

    Industrial grade cyber security to ensure any data you share is protected and secure

  • Interoperable solution

    Yocova Data Rooms can host and exchange data from a wide variety of data API structures

Unlock value from your data by sharing it with those you trust on a Yocova Data Room.
Here are two examples of current data collaborations:

Global Hazard Data Sharing

Sharing aggregated and anonymised bird strike data between airlines to drive industry safety and operational performance.
16 members from 8 companies

Fuel Efficiency Working Group

Collaboration on live aircraft turbulence data to quantify the impact of different variables on fuel efficiency for airlines.
7 members from 4 companies

What our Yocova members,
partners and contributors have to say

  • Julie Seah

    Manager Safety, Security &
    Environment Development, Singapore Airlines

    “To be forward looking, we need to proactively identify emerging trends and look at how we can leverage on technology to improve safety for continuous improvement. Yocova provides a secure and easy to use tool for hazard data sharing which will allow for a more predictive approach to safety.”

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