Maintenance News & Insights

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Additive manufacturing ab initio

Additive manufacturing is one of the key elements of the Industry 4.0 technology and process toolbox, and as it evolves beyond custom 3D printing to become a major part of the aviation industrial process, we sat down with industry experts at Airbus and Honeywell for the latest of our ab…

Business aviation supply chain improves, but still weak in places

Business aviation’s supply chain has been creaking noticeably since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but is the tension now loosening up? Views in Geneva at the annual trade show EBACE differed. Jetnet’s iQ survey [PDF] released just in time for EBACE highlights that airframers are “dependent as always on…

Right parts, right place, right time

Airlines depend on the aviation supply chain to ensure their aircraft are on the ground for as short a time as possible, but the parts supply chain has been under stress recently. Bernie Baldwin reports on the ways in which obstacles are being overcome. AOG. The aviation industry is awash…

Digital developments affect enhanced maintenance training efficiency

With so many aircraft on order, large numbers of maintenance personnel will be required to keep them airworthy. To deliver those numbers at a time when there is increased digitalisation on aircraft, training must become more efficient, as Bernie Baldwin reports. After huge disruption to aircraft orders and deliveries during…

Developing — and iterating — aircraft MRO inspections by drone

With growing pressure from a variety of drivers on MRO staff resources and expertise, and in the context of growing digitalisation of MRO processes, drone-based hangar inspections are arriving into workshops as a technological solution to a tricky problem. To learn more about how drone inspections work, how the technology…