OEMs can enjoy a range of commercial benefits from joining Yocova – but it’s important to first understand how it all works, the mechanics of the platform and the tools and services available to you before making a commitment.

The OEM specific Membership Journey & Use Cases document not only clarifies the rationale behind and history of Yocova, but also explains about the types of membership available and shows how other OEMs have used the platform to their advantage.

The reference document (link below) will help you find your own path within the Yocova network – it will also help you understand how you might engage with the Yocova OEM community, how data rooms work and how best to participate in them, and how the Yocova marketplace can deliver meaningful commercial advancements efficiently and effectively. It also showcases how OEMs can leverage the Yocova community to their advantage, and highlight how collaborations and interactions can produce tangible results.

Converting theory into practice. The question most asked about the Yocova platform is ‘How does this excellent concept translate into a tangible benefit to my business?’. It’s a valid question that is answered with one download and a conversation.

Which community is yours?

Cut straight to the chase and view your community persona use cases here:

  • Airlines

    Whilst they often operate in very competitive markets, most airlines share the same challenges – whether they be operational, commercial or in terms of satisfying strict safety and compliance requirements.

    Download user case

  • OEMs

    Whatever the specific sector, all OEMs are in a constant cycle of research, testing, refinement, fabrication, and delivery – whilst operating in parallel they have much in common, and working together can accelerate development and deployment.

    Download user case

  • ISVs

    Operating in an ever-changing digital environment means that, in order to remain competitive, independent software vendors need to understand where technology might take them, and what opportunities lie ahead. They also need a global and scalable route to market and a means to efficiently deploy and manage solutions across their customer community.

    Download user case

  • Business
    Aviation Operators

    The Business Aviation sector needs access to the latest digital technologies and collaboration facilities to underpin and manage complex operations – meeting the challenge of delivering highly flexible and commercially efficient services.

    Download user case

  • Business
    Aviation OEMs

    Supporting the Business Aviation sector often presents a different set of challenges to those seen with commercial airline operators – OEMs who operate in this sector can benefit hugely through collaborative problem-solving and co-innovation with their partner and customer communities.

    Download user case